Geek Universe


Puns are basically half-jokes that died somewhere along the way on their journey towards being funny, and that makes some people laugh.

Tell Me About Being Voltorb

pokemon memes electrode self destructive therapy
Via seifukucat

The Nick Fury Of The Zombie Apocalypse

puns the governor The Walking Dead - 7906508032

Alfred Pennyworth: Master Troll

Via MathiasSybarit

How Rude!

pokemon memes pikachu in the shower
Via Red Bubble

Reneigh Haycartes

puns MLP - 8527606016
Via tineid

Rainbow Rocks

jokes rainbow rocks puns - 8527335680
Created by Glan_von_Brylan

Just Dalek Things

Exterminate puns daleks - 8421438464

That Pun Was Metagross

pokemon memes tentacruel world

Ba Dum Tss

pokemon memes not staryu starmie

These Puns Are Killer

anime puns - 8524289280
Created by Luchabro

Mass Effect's Secret Achievement

mass effect tshirts puns - 8169595392
Via derlaine on Redbubble

The Puns Run Amok

puns cranky doodle donkey - 8510369792
Created by maorows

Ruh Roh, That Wasn't a Scooby Snack?

scooby doo news FAIL fire puns - 8008988416

Eugene and Logan: OTP

Via happy-ash

Tia, The Punny Princess

puns princess luna princess celestia - 8507079424
Created by SilentWanderer

Apple TV

applebloom puns TV apple - 8506669056
Created by DeathByCupcakes ( Via sketchit26 )