Geek Universe

pokemon cards

Eye Choose You!

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Created by wintercool612 ( Via wintercool612 )

First Gen PokéDress

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Created by kyuu444 ( Via )

I Don't Even Play With Energies!

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Driving Around in Style

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Only if It's Holographic

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Created by Pen2_the_penguin

Real Life Energy

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Created by megustachu

Best Investment EVAR

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Created by Jadraptor

The Real Cosmic Weapons

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Damn Porygons!

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And It Can Make You RICH!

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See all captions Created by Arrowheaderz

Hipster Kitty's Kingler Is Fire AND Steel

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Created by carbonzed

Showcased Them All

collection epic pokemon cards toys-games - 5124414208
See all captions Created by KNIGHTnHALE
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