Geek Universe


Top 10 Worst Console Launches of All-Time | thumbnail includes two pictures including the 3ds and the xbox 360

Dead on Arrival: Top 10 Worst Console Launches of All-Time

You guys remember the OUYA? Sheeesh!
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27 memes about video games | thumbnail includes two pictures of memes about gaming and video games

Press Start: Fill Your Inventory With These 27 Memes About Video Games

All your memes are belong to us!
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10 movie tie in games that were actually good | thumbnail includes three pictures including golden eye, the lord of the rings and spiderman games

10 Movie Tie-in Games That Defied the Odds and Were Actually Good

Not all Movie Tie-in games are awful! (just 99% of them)
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biggest rivalries in gaming history | thumbnail includes a picture of Mario ready to fight sonic the hedgehog

War Games: The 7 Fiercest Console Wars That Shaped Gaming History

As the great Professor Ishiro once said: "Let them Fight!"
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20 Gifs of famous PlayStation characters | thumbnail includes two pictures including god of war gif and horizon gif

GIFs of War: 20 PlayStation Character Gifs for Your Button Mashing Delight

We have no idea how they make these GIFs so accurate
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List of the best-selling gaming consoles of all time | thumbnail includes two pictures of -concise and dry description of thumbnail photos-

High Score: The 20 Best-Selling Video Game Consoles in History

Which was your favorite console of all time?
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An article about the critical reception of resident evil 4 remake| thumbnail includes two pictures of resident evil 4 remake

Critics Are Infected with Love for the Resident Evil 4 Remake

A Reanimated Success!
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gaming memes, video games, gaming, memes, pc gaming, steam, playstation, nintendo, xbox, funny

The Best Gaming Memes of the Week (March 1, 2023)

Gamers rise up.
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bad takes, femininity, video games, gaming, memes, gaming memes, funny tweets, twitter, roast, playstation, beauty standards, snowclone

Gamer’s Dumb Take on Femininity Gets Roasted With Memes

We're sad to report that there are still gamers in 2023 who are not only mad about seeing realistic depictions of female human characters in video games, but also feel inclined to tweet about their bad opinions no one asked for. Case in point, one dude called @poliwar_94 on Twitter recently announced his approval of the faceless femme robot twins from Atomic Heart and used them as an example of a good representation of femininity in video games, while expressing contempt for studios that create…
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Ahh Yes, the GS4

playstation - 8998425088
Via imgur


Via InstantKarma113
playstation the last of us - 1216261

Naughty Dog Lifts the Veil on The Last of Us Part II

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PS4 Pro v Nintendo Switch

Via RedIsSafe

Anyone Out There Still Feel This Way?

Via _

These Cats Are ALL About the Playstation VR

Via icantevenliterally


Via iwillgetbanned