Geek Universe


25 video game memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - A new foe has appeared! CHALLENGER APPROACHING paper-mario-wiki oh t who is it paper-mario-wiki MR. GAME & WATCH Joins the Battle!' and 'Light - The pupil can expand as much as 55% when you look at something you love F'

25 Super Smash Bros Memes For All The Nintendo Fans Ready to Brawl

Providing smashing entertainment from the Nintendo 64 to the Nintendo Switch
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multiplayer players single-player 1up gamer gaming games game video-game video-games nostalgic memes 90s nostalgic-memes meme gamer-memes nostalgic-gamer-memes gamer-memes nintendo wholesome funny

Ready Player One: 21 Supremely Nostalgic Gamer Memes That'll Make You 1UP With Glee

The intrusive thoughts are telling you to blow on the game cartridge
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zelda legend-of-zelda tears-of-the-kingdom totk zelda-tears-of-the-kingdom gameplay gamer games video-game nintendo link hyrule ganendorf pro build builds crazy insane creative wild

Hyrule Hot Rods: Craziest Zelda Builds in 'Tears of the Kingdom' That'll Keep Pro Gamers From Ever Finishing the Game

Just imagine what these maniacs do to the Korok seeds...
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zelda tears-of-the-kingdom legend-of-zelda simp video games gamers gamer-memes memes zelda-memes nintendo nintendo-switch link link-memes totk breath of the wild

25 Legend of Zelda Memes to Enjoy as You Play 'Tears of the Kingdom'... Again

I still have 789 korok seeds to collect in Breath of the Wild
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Top 10 Worst Console Launches of All-Time | thumbnail includes two pictures including the 3ds and the xbox 360

Dead on Arrival: Top 10 Worst Console Launches of All-Time

You guys remember the OUYA? Sheeesh!
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27 memes about video games | thumbnail includes two pictures of memes about gaming and video games

Press Start: Fill Your Inventory With These 27 Memes About Video Games

All your memes are belong to us!
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20 memes about Nintendo | thumbnail includes two pictures of Nintendo memes

18 Nintendo Memes to Power Up Your Day

It's-a-Meme, Mario!
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A list of 10 retro games that still hold up | thumbnail includes two pictures including super Mario brothers and GTA vice city

Blast from the Gaming Past: 10 Retro Video Games That Still Rock Our Controllers

These games are timeless
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10 movie tie in games that were actually good | thumbnail includes three pictures including golden eye, the lord of the rings and spiderman games

10 Movie Tie-in Games That Defied the Odds and Were Actually Good

Not all Movie Tie-in games are awful! (just 99% of them)
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biggest rivalries in gaming history | thumbnail includes a picture of Mario ready to fight sonic the hedgehog

War Games: The 7 Fiercest Console Wars That Shaped Gaming History

As the great Professor Ishiro once said: "Let them Fight!"
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gameplay footage from the new legend of Zelda game | thumbnail includes artwork from the new Zelda game

The New Legend of Zelda Game Looks Amazing. Almost 15 Min of New Gameplay

The new game looks so much fun!
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List of the best-selling gaming consoles of all time | thumbnail includes two pictures of -concise and dry description of thumbnail photos-

High Score: The 20 Best-Selling Video Game Consoles in History

Which was your favorite console of all time?
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gaming memes, video games, gaming, memes, pc gaming, steam, playstation, nintendo, xbox, funny

The Best Gaming Memes of the Week (March 1, 2023)

Gamers rise up.
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funny zelda memes, legend of zelda, nintendo, gaming memes | This is my boyfriend Link .o0 000 and this is his girlfriend, Zelda | Smiting evil with Master Sword Mining ore with Master Sword ade with mematic

Twenty-Nine Zelda Memes For The Fanatics

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super smash bros mario memes

The Smash Bros Ultimate Release Is Inspiring Some Hot 'N' Spicy Memes And Reactions

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Funny webcomics of Hey Man You See That Guy OVer There memes, a lot of them have to do with anime, gaming, video games, skyrim, nintendo, xbox,.

Best Of: Hey Man You See That Guy Over There?

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