Geek Universe


32 memes for geeks | thumbnail includes two pictures of geeky memes

32 Random Geeky Memes From Across all Fandoms to Get You Through the Week

Live long and may the force be ever in your favor, Harry.
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36 nerdy Zoom backgrounds | thumbnail includes two pictures of nerdy Zoom backgrounds

Some Fun and Nerdy Backgrounds for You to Use During Your Next Zoom Meeting

I have mixed feelings about Zoom meetings. On the one hand, I love that I can attend work meetings from home in my underwear (with a nice shirt on, of course). It's convenient, saves time, and means I don't have to drive to the office every time the boss shares news that could have been an email. On the other hand, it sometimes feels like all we do now is Zoom meeting after Zoom meeting. It's kind of insane how much time we spend on Zoom calls . However, one way to make these meetings more fun…
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30 Wicked 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets' Book Covers From Around the Wizarding World

30 Wicked 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets' Book Covers From Around the Wizarding World

A mysterious monster at Hogwarts? Surely it's not the big snake featured on the cover.
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30 Lovecraft Memes for Mortals In Deep with the Old Ones

30 Lovecraft Memes for Mortals In Deep with the Old Ones

Necronomicomical !
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31 memes about dungeons and dragons | thumbnail includes two pictures of dnd memes

30 Dungeons and Dragons Memes for All You Brave Adventurers (June 18, 2024)

Careful! One of these memes might be a Meme-ic
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31 Sketch Goblin art | thumbnail includes two pictures of Sketch Goblin art

Amazing Artist Turns Everyone Into D&D Characters. And We Do Mean Everyone

Star Wars and Marvel Characters reimagined in the world of Dungeons and Dragons
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32 memes for geeks | thumbnail includes two pictures of geeky memes

32 Random Geeky Memes From Across all Fandoms to Get You Through the Week

Live long and may the force be ever in your favor, Harry.
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31 memes about dungeons and dragons | thumbnail includes two pictures of dnd memes

31 Dungeons and Dragons Memes for All You Brave Adventurers (June 17, 2024)

Careful! One of these memes might be a Meme-ic
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30 Amazing Anime Memes to Help You Shonen Jump Into the Coming Work Week

30 Amazing Anime Memes to Help You Shonen Jump Into the Coming Work Week

I'm literally just a Cell at Work!
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26 nerdy jokes | thumbnail includes two pictures of nerdy jokes

24 Geeky Puns and Jokes That Only True Nerds Will Find Funny

You know what's better than a really good pun? A pun that only you and your nerdy friends can enjoy, leaving all the normies around you scratching their heads and shaking their heads. After all, being weird and having extremely specific and unconventional interests is what sets us apart. We didn't spend hours upon hours learning physics (or, let's be honest, watching a YouTube video about physics) just to miss out on a good Schrödinger's cat joke. Let the normies have their relationship humor a…
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30 Jujutsu Kaisen Memes With More Cursed Energy Than Sukana's Fingers

30 Jujutsu Kaisen Memes With More Cursed Energy Than Sukuna's Fingers

Domain expansion!!!
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30 Eye-Catching 'Harry Potter and the Philopher's Stone' Book Covers From Around the Wizarding World

30 Wicked 'Harry Potter and the Philopher's Stone' Book Covers From Around the Wizarding World

Which cover did you grow up with, and which do you wish had been a part of your childhood?
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35 memes for geeks | thumbnail includes two pictures of geeky memes

35 Hilarious Geeky Photos That Make Our Nerdy Hearts Sing

Are we on the same wavelength? Because I feel like we are. I feel like I can post a random picture of an outdoor grill shaped like Bender from Futurama, with his hand functioning as a beer holder, and you'll understand why it makes me smile. Or why a guy playing Minecraft on the self-checkout at the supermarket is actually funnier than if he was playing Doom. You get me, right? Sometimes I wonder if I just have a strange sense of humor or if there are others who also find this weird, geeky blen…
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36 Alex Solis creative mash-ups | thumbnail includes two pictures of Alex Solis creative mash-ups

Artist Alex Solis Brilliantly Reveals the True Identity of Our Favorite Pop-Culture Icons

Every movie, TV show, and story we love has its archetypes—the heroic adventurer, the grumpy anti-hero, the Idiot dad. These characters are so familiar, so generic, yet they keep us coming back for more. Sometimes, all it takes is a creative genius like Alex Solis to show us the connections we never noticed, revealing what should have been obvious all along. In his brilliant series, Solis imagines our favorite pop-culture icons unmasking themselves to reveal their hidden true identities. From C…
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Major Throwback Thursday: 10 Sumerian Memes That Are Sure to Make You Nostalgic for a Time With No Cellphones In Sight— Only Ziggurats and Mud Tablets

Major Throwback Thursday: 30 Sumerian Memes That Are Sure to Make You Nostalgic for a Time With No Cellphones In Sight— Only Ziggurats and Mud Tablets

Send these memes as an offering to your fav Mesopotamian god.
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31 examples of smart-ass logic | thumbnail includes two pictures of Smart-ass logic

Wits of Steel: 31 Unassailable ‘You Can’t Argue With That’ Posts That Are Only Technically True (June 13, 2024)

You know what's better than being correct? Winning the lottery! But also being technically correct . In this age of social media, where we engage with complete strangers daily, there's no better feeling than shutting down a conversation or an argument with one perfect comeback. Look, anyone can be correct on the internet (and most people THINK they are, all the time), but being technically correct —that's the ace up your sleeve. It allows you to walk away victorious from any argument, even if y…
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