Geek Universe


Mr. Stay Puft Gets the Payback He Deserves

Ghostbusters nerdgasm food - 8349059328
Via tpolisher

Take to the Skies, You Will

star wars Hot Air Balloon nerdgasm yoda g rated win scifi - 8350122496
Via Geekologie
lego nerdgasm video games Video - 64850945

Take a Tour Through This LEGO-fied Version of DOOM!

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Power Up and Check Out This LEGO Lamp!

lamp mario lego nerdgasm video games - 8329479680
Via Technabob

Warm Yourself Up With the Dark Side

darth vader design star wars nerdgasm g rated win - 8323519488
Via mrcornflake

Every Single Bit of This Serenity Model is Made of Duct Tape

Firefly duct tape nerdgasm g rated win - 8328468992
Via Jacob LaRocca

Use These Cool Chocolate Molds and MASH SOME BUTTONS

square white plate with three different shaped game controllers made of chocolate, a bowl of peanuts and cashews on the side
Via Think Geek

Roll for Party Initiative!

shut up and take my money nerdgasm D20 dungeons and dragons - 8316959488
Via 1d89

The Wampa is a Lot Less Threatening in Rug Form

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Via Think Geek

In Case You Needed it, There's a Doctor Who Cutlery Set Just for You

shut up and take my money design nerdgasm doctor who g rated win - 8307757824
Via Entertainment Earth
band nerdgasm TV Video g rated win - 64233473

The Ohio State Marching Band Pulls Out All the Stops With This Compilation of TV Show Themes

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The Only Game of Thrones Mug That Stares Back at You

Game of Thrones nerdgasm coffee mug - 8293065216
Via Big Bad Toy Store

Somebody at LEGO Needs to Get the Stamp of Approval on This Steampunk AT-AT Walker

Steampunk design nerdgasm - 8299043072
Via Geekologie

An Animated Classic on a Delicate Post-It Note

anime totoro design nerdgasm - 8301072640
Via Neatorama

Quick, Roll a Hallucination Check!

design dice nerdgasm pretty colors - 8278860288
Via Erik__Northman

Picard Cookies Are Very Disappointed in You

baking Captain Picard facepalm nerdgasm cookies - 8286825472
Via JustJennRecipes