
an article about the harry potter reboot coming to HBO | thumbnail includes a picture of harry potter and Lord Voldemort facing off

The Harry Potter Reboot: A Wingardium Leviosa Lift-off or a Muggle's Misstep?

10 Unfilmable Books That Became great movies | thumbnail includes three pictures including the book cover and the poster for "fellowship of the ring" and a picture of peter jackson working on the film

Defying the Odds: 10 Unfilmable Books That Became Cinematic Triumphs

A video about the movie pixels | thumbnail includes a picture of Pac-man eating Mario

Remember How Terrible “Pixels” Was? Well, It Was Actually Much Worse Than You Remember

A video about the fall and rise of deadpool in the movies | thumbnail includes a picture with two versions of deadpool

Deadpool's Disastrous Debut: The Unlikely Rise of Deadpool's Cinematic Journey

10 fan theories that might be true | thumbnail includes two pictures including inception and back to the future

10 Mind-Bending Fan Theories That Could Actually Be True

10 great monologues from geeky movies | thumbnail includes two pictures including man of steel and the joker

Talk Nerdy to Me: 10 Unforgettable Monologues from Movies We Can’t Stop Quoting

25 memes about batman | thumbnail includes two memes about batman

The Dark Meme Returns: 25 Batman Memes to Read Alone in the Rain

a video showing easer eggs in the matrix trilogy | thumbnail includes a picture of new from the matrix

Decoding the Matrix: 25 Easter Eggs and Hidden Gems Unleashed

25 memes about movies | thumbnail includes two pictures of movie memes

Movie Meme Magic: 25 Memes From the Big Screen to Your Screen

a video about the Riddick franchise | thumbnail includes a picture of vin diesel as riddick

Riddick-ulous: How Chronicles of Riddick Stumbled into a Franchise

10 Most Iconic Superhero Movie Moments | thumbnail includes two pictures including batman and the joker and captain America

10 Most Iconic Superhero Movie Moments That Became Instant Classics

20 marvel characters we want to see on the big screen | thumbnail includes two pictures including Tigra and beta ray bill

20 Marvelous Marvel Characters That Are More Than Ready For Their MCU Debut

a video with very obscure Star Wars trivia | thumbnail includes two pictures including one from episode 4 and one from episode 2 of Star Wars

This Guy Found Some Absurdly Obscure Star Wars Details We've Never Noticed

Things That Used to Be Geeky and Are Now Mainstream  | thumbnail includes two pictures including the Mandalorian and a nerd next to his computer

From Nerdy to Trendy: 10 Things That Used to Be Geeky and Are Now Mainstream

a video going through Every Live-Action version of Batman  | thumbnail includes pictures of several of the most famous versions of batman

From 1943 to 2023: Every Live-Action Batman on the Big and Small Screens

How to watch star wars in text art | thumbnail includes two pictures from the ascii version of star wars

A New ASCII Hope: Watch Star Wars in Text Art and Unleash Your Inner Geek