Geek Universe

marvel cinematic universe

21 actors who played more than one marvel character | thumbnail includes three pictures including Agatha moon knight and Minn-Erva

21 Marvelous Actors Who Played Multiple Roles in the Marvel Universe

Marvel sure do like these actors
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20 easter eggs found in Iron man | thumbnail includes a pictures of iron man from the movie

Marvel Rewatch: 20 Easter Eggs from Every MCU Movie - Iron Man

Welcome to the FunVee!
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10 MCU Moments Lifted Straight from the Comics | thumbnail includes two pictures of Hulk in gladiator gear. one from the MCU and one from the comics

From Panels to Screen: 10 MCU Moments Lifted Straight from the Comics

*Insert gif of Leonardo DiCaprio watching TV and pointing here*
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18 memes about marvel | thumbnail includes two pictures of marvel memes

Meme-finity Stones: 18 Funny Marvel Memes From Around the Galaxy

We can do this all day!
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a collection of 20 Marvel Memes | thumbnail includes two pictures of marvel memes

I AM Iron-Meme: 19 Marvel Memes to Tickle Your Funny Bone

Dor-Meme-o, we've come to bargain.
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video about the character development of iron man | thumbnail includes two pictures of iron man

The Irony of Iron Man: Unraveling Tony Stark's Unexpected Heroic Journey

We miss him 3000
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A video breaking down 71 easter eggs from the new "The marvels" trailer | thumbnail includes a picture of Monica Rambo and kang

Hidden Treasures: 71 Easter Eggs and References Unveiled in "The Marvels" Trailer

Say what you will about this trailer, The song choice is top notch!
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20 marvel characters we want to see on the big screen | thumbnail includes two pictures including Tigra and beta ray bill

20 Marvelous Marvel Characters That Are More Than Ready For Their MCU Debut

There are still so many stories to tell in the MCU
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25 memes about marvel | thumbnail includes two pictures of marvel memes

25 Marvel Super-Memes for Super-Fans

You should have gone for meme
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MCU characters and their best one-liners | thumbnail includes two pictures including iron man and the scarlet witch

Marvel-ous Quips: Iconic One-Liners from Your Favorite MCU Characters

Which of these is your favorite?
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The worst CGI in marvel's history | thumbnail includes two pictures including she hulk and doctor strange

Marvel's Missteps: The Top 10 Worst CGI Moments in the MCU

Too much content, too little VFX artists
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