
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

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Is Your Pokémon Waifu Certified Safe for Work?

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Marvelous New Images and Concept Art From Doctor Strange Have Been Released

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Dad Joke Han Solo Is the Reason Kylo Ren Joined the Dark Side

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Men Try and Fail To Trick Their Girlfriends and Wives With the Romantic Deadpool Poster

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Student Themed Stock Photos of John Boyega Will Help You Imagine What Stormtrooper Education Looks Like

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This Amazing Homemade Star Wars Cookbook Samples the Cuisine of a Galaxy Far Far Away

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This Calvin and Hobbes Meets Star Wars Fan Art Will Awaken Your Nostalgia


SNAPDAD's Snapchat Illustrations of His New Baby Boy Put All Other Baby Pictures to Shame

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Super Cool Dude Mark Hamill is Helping Fans Spot Fake Autographs on Twitter

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This Gal Live Tweeted Her First Time Watching Star Wars and Got a Lot of Things Wrong

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9 Times the Simpsons Predicted the Future

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Emo Kylo Ren is Annoying Enough to Turn Even the Purest Jedi to the Dark Side

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These Tragic Knockoff Star Wars Toys are Hilarious and Pathetic

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The Sun Sums Up the Star Wars Saga With 25 Pun Filled Front Pages

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Perfect Pokécosplay

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Starbnb is the Airbnb Parody for a Galaxy Far, Far Away