jimmy kimmel

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Watch the First Official Trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming

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Jimmy Kimmel Hires Doctor Strange for Kid's Birthday Party, and Things Don't Go as Planned

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Natalie Portman Refuses to Let Her Son Watch the Star Wars Prequels


Daredevil off Huddling in a Corner Now...

jimmy kimmel Game of Thrones Video - 80465409

Jimmy Kimmel Forced a Couple of Grandmas to Watch Game of Thrones and Their Reactions are Hilarious

jimmy kimmel Game of Thrones Video - 80328193

The Game of Thrones Producers Want to Apologize for That Whole "Hodor" Thing


Scarlett Johansson's Captain America: Civil War Stunt Double Is Absolutely Next Level in This Video

jimmy kimmel Game of Thrones Video - 79889921

Jimmy Kimmel Came up With the Perfect Game of Thrones Inspired Mother's Day Gift

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Chadwick Boseman Sits Down With Jimmy Kimmel to Chat About Playing Black Panther

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Theon Greyjoy and the Boltons Stopped by Jimmy Kimmel to Talk About Their Weird Relationship

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Watch Iron Man, Black Widow, and the Winter Soldier Square off in the Latest Intense Captain America: Civil War Clip

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Jimmy Kimmel Recreated the Captain America: Civil War trailer with Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders

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Chris Evans Explains Why He Initially Turned Down the Role for Captain America

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Jimmy Kimmel Says What We Were All Thinking in a "Deleted Scene" From Batman v Superman

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Lena Headey Reads Quote From the Bachelor As Cersei Like the Queen She Is

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Harrison Ford Talks Chewbacca Off a Ledge, Proves Adele Heals All Wounds

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