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Job Applicant Rejected for Revealing She's a Trekkie During Interview: 'My coworker found this to be a red flag'


Jared Leto Offers up His Bizarre Reasoning behind All the Weird Gifts He Gave Suicide Squad Co-Stars


Of Course Jared Leto's Idea for How the Joker Would Handle an Interview Is Insane

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Frank Grillo Said That Crossbones Could Take the Hulk, and Honestly, What the Hell Is He Talking About


Ben Affleck Says Solo Batman Movie Won't Adapt a Comic, but That Doesn't Mean It Won't Steal a Few 'Great' Ideas


Haley Atwell Weighs in on Captain America's Civil War Love Interest, and Things Escalate Very Quickly

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This George Lucas Interview Couldn't Be More Phenomenally Cringe-Worthy

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Peyton Reed's Already Getting That Ant Man 2 Hype Going in His Latest Interview

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Frank Miller Talks Batman and Sin City

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That One Time Norman Reedus Was Bit by a Fan

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Melissa Benoist Says Supergirl is a Feminist

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I've Got Enough Badges to Train Your Whole Staff

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Norman Reedus On Daryl and The Bethyl Relationship

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Cringe of the Day: Fantastic Four Actors Meet Not-So-Fantastic Interviewers

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Brian Michael Bendis Talks About the 'All-New All-Different' Guardians of the Galaxy

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Troy Baker Interview - Some Metal Gear Hints and Kiefer Sutherland Talk

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