Geek Universe


Your Currency is Comical

money superheroes Your Currency is Comical
Via everythingrandom

I Guess That's Why He Usually Only Goes Out at Night

batman I Guess That's Why He Usually Only Goes Out at Night
Via eatliver

Tell Me, Do You Take Cream and Sugar?

batman coffee Tell Me, Do You Take Cream and Sugar?
Via batsbr

Everything You Need to Know About Deadpool

deadpool infographic Everything You Need to Know About Deadpool
Via purecostumes

First Image From a New Tarzan Movie Reveal That He Gets to Wear Pants This Time

First Image From a New Tarzan Movie Reveal That He Gets to Wear Pants This Time

And What do You Want Little Boy or Girl?

deadpool image And What do You Want Little Boy or Girl?
Via daily-superheroes

Batman Vs Joker

batman image Batman Vs Joker
Via batsbr


kilgrave jessica jones Jessicaaaaaaaaaa!
Via oneskillwonder

James Gunn Shared a Few Early Models of Star-Lord's Mask

guardians of the galaxy concept art James Gunn Shared a Few Early Models of Star-Lord's Mask
Via James Gunn

That's So Raven

tumblr raven teen titans That's So Raven
Via GentleWolfie

Why So Sirius?

fan art joker starry night Why So Sirius?
Via WhyAmISoGoddamnHigh

1950's Superman Gets It

america superman image 1950's Superman Gets It
Via need1more

This Must Be Where the Jokers Hang Out

joker batman This Must Be Where the Jokers Hang Out
Via daily-superheroes

It's For You!

wolverine phone image It's For You!
Via daily-superheroes

Gal Gadot Posts a First Image of Herself as Wonder Woman in Upcoming Wonder Woman Movie

wonder woman image Gal Gadot Posts a First Image of Herself as Wonder Woman in Upcoming Wonder Woman Movie
Via @GalGadot

Map of Krypton

superman image map Map of Krypton
Via comiccartography