Geek Universe


Tummy Rubs

Via kawaii-desu-satan

I Like the Way You Move

Via gif-database

It's Okay Buddy, You'll be a Beautiful Butterfly Soon

Via ebony-draygon

Messed With the Wrong Pup

gifs cartoons - 8607578624
Created by tamaleknight

TWD is Almost Back, Time to Celebrate With a Little Dance

andrew lincoln dance

Here's TR-8R!

gifs TR-8R - 8607593984
Created by Squid_man

We Have to Go Deeper

Via superphazed

TR-8R Wants To Become A Dancer

gifs Drake TR-8R - 8607592960
Created by Squid_man

Do a Little Dance

star wars gifs TR-8R star wars vii - 8607596544
Created by Squid_man

They Sense a Flamewar Coming

gifs pikachu - 8607278848
Created by tamaleknight

Can't... Breathe...

pokemon gifs

Growing Up

pokemon memes gardevoir evolution chain
Via hunterluc

When You're Full but the Food is Good

cartoon memes adventure time jake eating gif
Via google

Ed, What are You Doing?

gifs anime - 8606135296
Created by tamaleknight

Cooking With Lum

gifs anime - 8604926976
Created by tamaleknight

Just Winter Things

Via paflavie