Geek Universe


5 video games that deserve a TV adaptation | thumbnail includes two pictures including mass effect and red dead redemption

The Next Big TV Adaptations: 5 Video Game Plots That Deserve the Spotlight

These games have some of the best plots in any medium
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behind the scenes video of the making of mortal kombat | thumbnail includes two pictures including Liu Kang and scorpion fighting and Sonya blade posing

Finish Him: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Birth of Mortal Kombat

Your soul is mine! (padam padam padam padam pam pam...)
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An article about the critical reception of resident evil 4 remake| thumbnail includes two pictures of resident evil 4 remake

Critics Are Infected with Love for the Resident Evil 4 Remake

A Reanimated Success!
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a collection of gaming memes | thumbnail includes two pictures of gaming memes

Achievement Unlocked: Gaming Memes That Had Us ROFL-ing All Night (20 memes)

It's dangerous to go alone! Take this meme with you.
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an article about Nvidia's tech demos | thumbnail includes two pictures including a CGI fairy and a CGI astronaut

A Pixelated Trip Down Memory Lane: NVIDIA Tech Demos (1999-2023)

We used to spend hours playing with these NVIDIA Tech Demos
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an article about a gaming suite in a hotel | thumbnail includes two pictures including the gaming suite in the UK hotel and a over the top gaming room

The UK Has A 5-star Gaming Hotel Suite And We Are Jealous

It's a gamer's paradise
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a list of The 10 Most Devastating Weapons In Gaming History | thumbnail includes 4 weapons from the list, a burning city in the background

Flawless Victory: The 10 Most Devastating Weapons In Gaming History

When you absolutely, positively got to kill everyone in the room, accept no substitutes.
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dungeons and dragons memes, dnd memes, D&D, dungeons and dragons, gaming memes, board games, rpg, roleplay, ttrpg, tabletop games, memes, funny memes, nerdy memes

The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (March 3, 2023)

Roll for memes
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gaming memes, video games, gaming, memes, pc gaming, steam, playstation, nintendo, xbox, funny

The Best Gaming Memes of the Week (March 1, 2023)

Gamers rise up.
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bad takes, femininity, video games, gaming, memes, gaming memes, funny tweets, twitter, roast, playstation, beauty standards, snowclone

Gamer’s Dumb Take on Femininity Gets Roasted With Memes

We're sad to report that there are still gamers in 2023 who are not only mad about seeing realistic depictions of female human characters in video games, but also feel inclined to tweet about their bad opinions no one asked for. Case in point, one dude called @poliwar_94 on Twitter recently announced his approval of the faceless femme robot twins from Atomic Heart and used them as an example of a good representation of femininity in video games, while expressing contempt for studios that create…
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memes about video games and gaming | Psychopaths Serial killers People who intentionally pick rude dialogue options games just make NPCS feel bad kids pressed into a corner terrified by a bunny | opponent is better than expected. diagram of a man leaning forward in a chair

Gaming Memes for The Highly Leveled

It's an NPC-eat-NPC world.
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minecraft, minecraft memes, gaming memes, minecraft videos, cool minecraft pics | minecraft art in field

Minecraft Memes I Would Sell To Microsoft For Less Than 3 Billion Dollars

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A funny story about about Ultima Online | officialgarrusvakarian greyyourwarden shock if fallout 76 really is world where "every character is real person there's no NPCS im making my civic duty be like this lowly tavern barkeep and then once established enough rapport going nuke all west virginia and will be character

Ultima Online Player Takes Epic Revenge

Well done, sir.
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Gamer accidentally bottlenecks his PC for three years | r/tifu u/theRAMlord TIFU by accidentally severely bottlenecking my PC over 3 years. M TL;DR at bottom waffled built my first ever PC around 3.5 years ago s pretty budget but thought 500 spending on parts would be pretty decent. So follow couple youtube tutorials build and everything worked fine first try my absolute surprise. Over course 3 years, lI've never had one problem with other than pretty slow and could only run games on low

Gamer Accidentally Severely Bottlenecks PC For Years

That's a big whoops.
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Sus AF

r/worldnews Kuominwave Oxygen Supply Just Failed in Part of The ISS, But Everyone Is Safe So Far Crewmate There is 1 Impostor among us
Funny and dank dungeons and dragons memes, dungeon master memes, stupid memes | DM vibing battle music party dying fight | bard has had enough haunted mansion Fuck these ghosts Spooky jazz

50 Dank Dungeons and Dragons Memes Of Varying Freshness

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