
Funny tumblr posts, quirky, amusing, jokes, shitposting.

25 Tumblr Sh*tposts For When You Have Nothing Better To Do

When a video game totally nails elements of your life and it hurts just a little too much.

I can relate to this

rick and morty memes

It's Time. To Get Schwifty With These Rick and Morty Memes

video games video game logic The Sims funny - 1467653

Celebrate Hump Day With 48 Occasionally Dark, Always Hilarious Moments From The Sims

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27 Times The Sims Was a Dark-Humored Goldmine of Weird and Hilarious Gems

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Deadpool Just Launched an Oscar Campaign in the Best, Most Deadpool Way Possible

dark humor video games funny - 1357061

20 Times People Helped Make Club Penguin The Strange, Dark-Humored Laugh Factory That It Is


IT Guy's Story About Messing Up Big Time, Accidentally Changing Client's Desktop to 'Sexy Pikachu' is Hilarious

sex FAIL Mortal Kombat video games funny dating - 1323781

Dude Leaves Mortal Kombat-Themed Sex Advice to Neighbors That Keep Bothering Him With Loud Sex

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Dub of the Day: Genius Overdubs Star Wars Episode III Using Bootleg Subtitles and the Movie is Good Now

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These Texts Prove That Trolling an Australian News Channel With Simpsons Pics Is an Art In and Of Itself

veggie tales memes

16 Times 'Veggie Tales' Was Exactly What We Needed In Life

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Homestar Runner Returns After 20 Years to Go For the Gold, and We're Shocked

fails of sims and virtual worlds

28 Times the Sims Was Messed up and Twisted in the Best Kind of Way

star wars funny Video - 84405761

Kylo Ren Goes Undercover as a Radar Technician in SNL's Latest Skit and It's Amazing

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30 Times People Outdid Themselves With the Crude Humor on Club Penguin