Geek Universe

funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

33 examples of "technically the truth" | thumbnail includes two pictures of technically the truth

Well Played, Sir: 33 'Can't Argue with That' Moments that Left Us Speechless

33 Moments of Impeccable 'Can't Argue with That' Wisdom
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27 examples of smart ass answers | thumbnail includes two pictures of smart ass answers

Logic Bombs: 27 Instances of Smart Ass Logic Winning the Internet

27 Times Smart Ass Logic was the Real MVP
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james cameron, Memes, Avatar, funny random memes, twitter, random, random memes, funny memes, dank memes, twitter memes, meme, funny tweets, funny twitter, random tweets

Hilarious Memes For Avatar Defenders And Normies Alike

That's MY Best Picture winner!
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bad takes, femininity, video games, gaming, memes, gaming memes, funny tweets, twitter, roast, playstation, beauty standards, snowclone

Gamer’s Dumb Take on Femininity Gets Roasted With Memes

We're sad to report that there are still gamers in 2023 who are not only mad about seeing realistic depictions of female human characters in video games, but also feel inclined to tweet about their bad opinions no one asked for. Case in point, one dude called @poliwar_94 on Twitter recently announced his approval of the faceless femme robot twins from Atomic Heart and used them as an example of a good representation of femininity in video games, while expressing contempt for studios that create…
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Funny dystopian memes about the bleak world we live in | Capitalism be like: Trade blood access knowledge ADVERTISE HERE Signal CALL NEED BOOKS? NO WORRIES DONATE PLASMA. this is some dystopian shit New donors earn up 100 one week! | shouldn't worry about ýour career world will be completely unliveable within 20 years. just try have good time while can. wiki Have Healthy Second Marriage Were Widowed

17 Bleak Dystopian Memes Because Nothing Really Matters

"Nothing really matters, anyone can see"
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Funny tweets about X-men and superpowers, professor x, weird twitter, twitter meme | Beans After Dark @goodbeanalt Professor X: what's your super power? Me: impersonation Professor X: oh really? Professor X: yes Spooky Skoog @Skoog Professor X: what's your power? Me: super strength Professor X: that's great Me: but only when i'm really horny Professor X: oh? Me: [stares him directly in the eye while i lift an entire bookcase] Professor X: oh..

Clever Tweets About Professor X & Questionable Superpowers

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funniest women tweets we came across this week | thumbnail text Onyx @Allanah_Morales Y'all remember principals used sit our classes our teachers became fake nice af day lol

Funniest Tweets Written By Women Last Week (October 12, 2020)

The funny women of Twitter
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Funny random memes for wasting time, relatable memes, office memes, dank memes, funny tweets | friend: omg had dream where married my crush my dreams: Shutte Ste Here's child car flying and cat holding a naked man in a basket | Leonardo Dicaprio wasn't always meme, he an actor too sure grandma let's get bed DAD

36 Memes Meant For Wasting Precious Time

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comebacks | tweet by abby @abbypauline been 7 car accidents this year, y'all can't tell God doesr have plan senpai @jasminsenju Girl sound like he tryna kill u

Clever Comebacks That Deserve A Plaque For Their Spice

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Funny tweets, relatable tweets, random tweets, twitter memes, comedy, comic, parenting, dating | logan @brainwxrms IOVA imagine being girl and having keep an extra pair underwear ur car just case some dude revs his truck up at stop light

29 Clever & Relatable Tweets For Short Attention Spans

Short and sweet, baby.
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Funny random memes, cinderella, disney memes | So telling arrived chariot made pumpkin and bunch mice made dress Yup. Cinderella with red bloodshot eyes | Tall people Bump their head into low- hanging branches Short people laughs microscopically

A Boatload Of Memes For Banishing Boredom

Kiss that boredom goodbye.
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Funny twitter thread about the worst things that were on (music or tv) while having sex | Marisa Galvez @masiragz ld what's the worst thing that's been in the background while you've had sex? for me it's ratatouille Sarah @sarahlindish A rabbit shrieking as it was being eaten alive by an owl. Bits were falling on the tent.

Twitter Thread Proves People Will Bang To Absolutely Anything

Standards: Nowhere to be seen.
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Funny random memes | Not cellphone sight, just people living moment. medieval classic painting depicting a beheading scene guillotine | New years day Looking forward 3 months later 2020 Disntectant BAZAAR Donald Glover Childish Gambino

Memes To Help You Through Life's Thankless Hell

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funny random memes, relatable memes, dungeons and dragons memes, tumblr, stupid memes, funny tweets | Olive Garden waiter: Sir already had 5 baskets breadsticks done say done Breaking Bad Walter White and Saul Goodman | moving my foot under blanket My cat: Finally a worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary

44 Memes For Anyone Who Needs 'Em

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tweets of dumb things people overheard at movie theaters | tweet about 127 hours movie @ Save CJ @oboe_cop Replying to @shutupmikeginn I went to see 127 hours at the cinema. Part way through a lady in the row behind me said l hope he's not going to be stuck behind that rock for the whole film

Twitter Users Reveal Ridiculous Statements Overheard At The Movie Theater

Some people...
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Funny random memes | she tells go talk hose hoes been thinking bout u Greg omg | terrified Backstreet Boys Therapist: tell why SCREAMING Ron Swanson

Twenty-Eight Dumb Posts To Take The Pain Away

The memes of your dreams!
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