
Turn on a fan it's boiling. These airy and light memes and jokes will have you your head spinning. You can always use a Japanese fan to try to cool off and save, but don't be too enthusiastic, you might end up heating yourself up more than cooling down.

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'Who is the best anti-hero?': 25+ Fans debate who takes the cake on slaying villains with unconventional heroism

Red or Blue?: Baby shocks his Star Wars-loving dad when he chooses between two lightsabers (VIDEO)

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45+ Muggleborn Memes for Harry Potter Fans With 50,625 Galleons in Their Vault at Gringotts (October 26, 2023)

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Epic Cosplays of the Week That'll Give You a Nerdgasm

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Iron Man Takes on The Incredible Hulk In This Awesome Fan Made Film

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Metroid II: Return of Samus Fan Remake Is Released to Celebrate the Game's 30th Anniversary

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Mockingbird's An Avengers Fan, Just Like The Rest of Us

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A Flying Type for Breeze and a Fire Type for Warmth


Captain America Fights To Keep Your House Cool

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The Heat Doesn't Stand a Chance

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Not The Cooling System Your Apartment Deserves

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Everyone Else Is Preparing For Tornado Day

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Literal Rainbow

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This Wonder Woman Trailer Looks Awesome

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I'd Figure He'd Be More of a Batman Fan

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That's a Lot of Bat Wings

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