Geek Universe


30 Elegant Spy x Family Memes to Send to Your Colleagues to Keep Up Appearances for the Sake of the Mission

30 Elegant Spy x Family Memes to Send to Your Colleagues to Keep Up Appearances for the Sake of the Mission

Got to keep up appearances
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oddly specific hilarious hacks kids nostalgia 70s parenting nostalgic 80s entertaining gen x family 1970s reddit thread Reddit mom funny children 1980s - 35750661

Hilarious Thread of 80s Parenting Hacks Moms Used to Raise Gen X Kids: 'Hosed me off in the backyard so I wouldn't have to take a bath'

let's bring these back
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28 Simpson Memes to Help You Laugh All the Way to Springfield

28 Simpson Memes to Help You Laugh All the Way to Springfield

'You don't win friends with salad'
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29 Harry Potter Memes for Potterheads Festively Flying Through the Holiday Season on a Firebolt

29 Harry Potter Memes for Potterheads Festively Flying Through the Holiday Season on a Firebolt

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Man tells his sister that she should lower her dating standards as a single mom | AITA telling my single mom sister she should get more realistic comes her dating standards? Asshole context: My older sister 32(f) is single mother two (7m and 5f) because her marriage ended after 4 years. He is still around and pays child, but she's mostly raising kids on her own. She has been single quite some time and recently tried start dating again. My sister thinks herself as good catch college degree, well

Man Tells Sister She Should Lower Her Dating Standards

Not cool, my dude.
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Kid ends up going nuclear on his dad during a game of Monopoly | r/tifu Join u/SqueakyCleanNoseDown 15h TIFU by using nuclear option game monopoly. M four player family game Monopoly. My brother, our parents and were playing, and wasn't doing well wasn't bankrupt or heavily mortgaged yet, but could tell if something drastic didn't change next 3 turns or so toast didn't have any monopolies, but did have couple 2 out 3 properties (New York and St. James being standouts) and couple scattered here

Kid Goes Nuclear On Dad In Monopoly

All about the slumlord strategy.
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The 'Fun' Uncle

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An Intimate Look at a Family on the Rocks Trying to Get Their Sh*t Sorted out with the Help of Doctor Feels

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Pretty Much Sums up the Feels There

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Nightmare Fuel: A GameCube Controller Drawn as a Family

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Sneak Peek At Captain America 3

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Time To Reboot This Family

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Not All Families Look The Same

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The Family Who Cosplays Together, Makes Burgers Together

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Family Matters

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'Flight To The Finish' Deleted Scene

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Created by DeathByCupcakes
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