Geek Universe


The Very Best Friend Ever

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The Difference Between Skyrim and Dark Souls

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Whedon Kills Again

facebook Joss Whedon - 8024307200
Created by NateMan010276

That Brotherly Love Is So Cold, It's Frozen

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Everybody Was Kaiju Fighting

facebook win failbook g rated - 7997237248
Created by sarahlaserena

Nintendo eShop Going Down for Maintenance

FAIL nintendo facebook news eshop Video Game Coverage - 7975023616
Via Nintendo on Facebook

"Pokémon Designs Suck Nowadays!"

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Created by wildclaw45

The National Liberty Federation Failed and Posted This Image from BioShock Infinite on Their Facebook Page

FAIL facebook idiots - 7957212160
Via Facebook

I'm Learning Through Osmosis

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Created by YakuzaDuragon

December is Pokémon Profile Picture Month!

Pokémon facebook - 7940961536
Created by Unknown

A Little Love for the Doctor

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Created by Unknown

Andrew Scott Pretends to Pretend to

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Created by BPlante

The Non-Battle Subway

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Created by soren7550

Yagammy is too Legit

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Created by BPlante

The Reason Wonder Trading is So Unfair

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Created by GrayPhillbuster

Pangoro is a Punching Badass

facebook Pangoro - 7853395712