Geek Universe


Need a New Pokémon? Why Not a Cerberus?

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Created by Casull

Okay, Who Invited Moon Moon?

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Why Spike Should Not Be a Dog

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No! I Will Not Roll Over!

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Created by Unknown

You Tell Him, Nightwing.

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Created by hachan

Who Do You Think Will Win?

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Created by YaoKASG

Houndour Wins!

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Legendary Cats

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Luk Wut I Did

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Created by Mudack

Winona Loves Her Dashie

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Created by pinkwerewolf2

I Bet That Dog Is a Jerk

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Sparky, You're Alive!

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Still a Better Canine Than Jacob

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Created by xXRollingRockXx

The Dogtor

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Created by Bloodyneptune

Childhood Ruined...

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Created by TeamRainbowDash

A Fan's Story of a Lost Partner...

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Via patrickseymourva