Geek Universe

doctor who

doctor who - 67246849

Doctor Who in Dominoes Is Amazing

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It's Going to Get Timey Wimey at My Funeral

doctor who sonic screwdriver - 8399553280

I Feel a Disturbance in the Machine That Goes Ding

crossover doctor who star wars - 8399554560

There's Plenty of Room in My Hearts

doctor who - 8399541248
Via Google

Keep Track of That Wibbly Wobbly Thing, Would You?

doctor who for sale time - 8399544832
Via Zeon

Wait, His Wife Is Whose Daughter?

wibbly wobbly timey wimey tardis doctor who - 8397727232
Via meganarm81
trailers christmas special doctor who Video - 67050497

This Trailer for the Doctor Who Christmas Special Has an Awfully Familiar Line

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Shut Up and Take My Money of the Day: Sherlock/Doctor Who Theme Park? Yes, Please.

doctor who bbc - 8399286784
doctor who christmas supercut - 66832641

England Seems Dangerous This Time of Year

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tshirts doctor who regeneration futurama - 8390495232
Via CODesigns by BlueBoxTees

I'd Love to Catch Either of Them

crossover Captain Jack Harkness jack sparrow Fan Art Pirates of the Caribbean doctor who - 8381524736
Via erithel
12th Doctor doctor who 50th anniversary - 66453249

Series 8's Alternate Ending

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You Have An Extra 15 Days?

doctor who - 8382292480
Via thfanboyofrassilon

Doctor Doo

doctor who scooby doo the doctor - 8380623872
Via Sam Draws

Ford Dealer Technician Knows How to Whovian

hello clara, fixed the time vortex manipulator so should be able to bluetooth it to car now. and thingy that goes ding now goes ding when stuff is around. the doctor hate the color needs more round thingys
Via Doctor Who Tumblr

And The Doctor Comes At Night, With His TARDIS Soft as Thunder

mashup doctor who Les Misérables - 8377775104
Via michellevandalenstuff