Geek Universe


Books are the Greatest Weapon

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Tarzan's Got a Lot of Catching Up To Do

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Even in a Disney Version, Jon Snow Knows Nothing

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Via nandomendonssa

Somebody Had to Tell Him

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disney inspired characters

10 Real Life People Who Inspired the Look of Disney Characters We all Know and Love

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The King is in the Clouds

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Find Someone to Grow Old and Adventure With

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Pride Rock is Real

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Mulan's Got Some to Spare, Right?

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Chibi Princesses

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Beauty and the Pup

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Aren't Most of Them Cursed?

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Would You Watch an "It's a Small World" Movie?

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All This Isolation is Really Depressing

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Via livememe
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Snow White is Finally Brought to Justice

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Game of Thrones is Actually Just a Disney Movie

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