Geek Universe


33 pictures of knockoff brands | thumbnail includes two pictures of knockoff brands

33 Knockoff Products That Fell off the Back of a Truck (July 21, 2024)

Welcome to the wild world of wonky trademarks , where the 'Just Do It' spirit gets a little lost in translation and designer logos take a detour into the absurd. Picture this: you're strolling down the market aisles when you spot something familiar yet unmistakably odd. It's a pair of 'Abibas' sneakers, complete with the iconic three stripes, but just a bit... off. Or maybe it's the 'Specialman' action figure, fighting for justice and the best bargain bin deal. These brand doppelgängers are the…
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30 Tacky Tables with Awful Design Yet Surprisingly Impressive Craftsmanship

30 Tacky Tables with Awful Design Yet Surprisingly Impressive Craftsmanship

Awful taste but great execution!
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33 photos that make you do a double take | thumbnail includes two pictures that make you do a double take

Blink Twice: 33 Photos That Demand a Double-Take (July 19, 2024)

A delightful dose of double-take
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33 Medieval memes | thumbnail includes two pictures of Medieval memes

33 Classical Art Memes That Are Timelessly Funny (July 18, 2024)

Hark, noble scroller of the digital scrolls ! As thou dost thumb through the vast interwebs, prithee, take a moment to rest thine eyes upon this humble collection. In days of yore, ere smartphones and Wi-Fi signals did conquer the land, jesters and minstrels spun tales and sang songs to entertain the masses. But now, we hath memes – glorious illustrations paired with witticisms that would surely have even the most stoic of knights holding their sides in laughter . Ah, but fear not, for these ar…
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31 examples of bad photoshop | thumbnail includes two examples of bad photoshop

31 Hilarious Photoshop Fails That Couldn't Hide the Truth (July 16, 2024)

It's funny hearing people complain about how AI-generated images are going to destroy society , especially after hearing the exact same things when Photoshop first came out. If you are too young to remember or weren't there at the time, people were furious about Photoshop and many demanded it be banned. Some countries even passed laws restricting the use of Photoshop in various cases. But the years went on, Photoshop did not destroy humanity, and today it is one of the main tools for graphic de…
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35 pictures of job fails | thumbnail includes two pictures of job fails

Winners of the “Not My Job” Prize for Doing the Bare Minimum Required

Some of these are just... No words
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30 examples of Paredolia | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cake with a face and a pickle with a face

Faces in Places: 33 Startling Instances of Pareidolia (Buildings, Sinks and Boxes Edition)

Whatch'a looking at?
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32 funny signs | thumbnail includes two pictures of funny signs

32 Epic Sign Fails That You Have to See To Believe (July 8, 2024)

There are so many signs out there. Every moment you spend outside your house, you are bombarded with signs—advertisements, traffic signs, warnings, detours, notes, and even small stickers or graffiti. Signs are everywhere! In fact, we have so many signs that we tend to just block them out completely (which kind of defeats the whole purpose behind signs). In today’s urban jungle, you have to stand out—like a bird with crazy colorful feathers or a monkey with a big red butt! One surefire way to g…
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31 pictures of bad tattoos | thumbnail includes two pictures of bad tattoos

32 Ink-credibly Bad Tattoos That Ink-lude Some Ink-ohesive Writing

I don't have a tattoo, not even one. I've had tons of cool ideas and designs for tattoos , but I always tell myself to wait a year or two and see if I still think it's worth putting on my skin. And guess what? So far, none of them have made the cut. I don't know if it's because I am constantly evolving as a person or because of the truth—I am too scared and not cool enough to actually do it (Pretty sure it's the first one). Anyway, most people take their tattoos very seriously. They plan them,…
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31 Medieval memes | thumbnail includes two pictures of Medieval memes

32 Classical Art Memes That Are Timelessly Funny (July 4, 2024)

Hark, noble scroller of the digital scrolls ! As thou dost thumb through the vast interwebs, prithee, take a moment to rest thine eyes upon this humble collection. In days of yore, ere smartphones and Wi-Fi signals did conquer the land, jesters and minstrels spun tales and sang songs to entertain the masses. But now, we hath memes – glorious illustrations paired with witticisms that would surely have even the most stoic of knights holding their sides in laughter . Ah, but fear not, for these ar…
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30 Tacky Chairs with Awful Design But Surprisingly Impressive Craftsmanship

30 Tacky Chairs with Awful Design But Surprisingly Impressive Craftsmanship

Awful taste, but great execution.
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44 Ralph McQuarrie concept art | thumbnail includes two pictures of Ralph McQuarrie concept art

The Man Who Designed Star Wars: Appreciating the Art of Ralph McQuarrie

Not to diminish George Lucas's influence on modern cinema, but I truly believe that without the people around him, we would have lived in a totally different world—one where “ Star Wars ” was just a forgotten, cheesy, and pretty bad B-movie. If it wasn't for Marcia Lucas stepping in at the last second to re-edit the entire movie, without John Williams elevating every moment to crazy heights, and without the charisma and talent of Harrison, Mark, and Carrie , this movie would have never gotten o…
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28 pictures of Old newspaper ads| thumbnail includes two pictures of Old newspaper ads

Unbelievable Old Newspaper Ads That Show Just How Times Have Changed

These Ads Wouldn't Fly Today
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30 Beautiful abandoned places | thumbnail includes two pictures of Beautiful abandoned places

30 Breathtaking Pictures of Abandoned Places Reclaimed by Nature (June 26, 2024)

Have you ever played “ The Last of Us ”? Such an amazing game! it is often praised for its brilliant writing and acting (less so about it's gameplay loop, even though if you play the ‘remake’, it's improved immensely). Anyway, one of the main reasons this game is so good is because of its atmosphere. There is something so beautiful in walking the the ruins of a civilization after it has been reclaimed by nature . It is eerie and sad but strangely hopeful at the same time. By the way the “ICO” T…
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33 funny signs | thumbnail includes two pictures of funny signs

31 Outrageously Funny Signs That Cause Sign-ificant Laughter (June 26, 2024)

I wonder how many signs I see on an average day. They are everywhere! From giant billboards telling me what I should buy to tiny leaflets asking me if I want guitar lessons to just plain, boring signs telling me to slow down or where the exit is located. We don't really think about it, but I bet we read the equivalent of an average book chapter just while walking down the street. But every now and then, we come across a sign that just makes us stop in our tracks. A sign so baffling, all we can…
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26 artistic influences in movies | thumbnail includes two pictures of artistic influences in movies

The Surprising Artistic Inspirations Behind Cinema's Greatest Moments

Mark Twain once said, "There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope." I must say I agree with him; no artist starts from scratch . Every great piece of art is inspired by all the art that came before it. You stare at a blank canvas or a blank page and think of all the art that has inspired you in the past—and you go from there, trying to invoke the same feeling you yourself got from a different piece of…
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