Geek Universe


Otaku Cats Cosplay Your Favorite Anime Characters in Adorably Accurate Handmade Costumes

Otaku Cats Cosplay Your Favorite Anime Characters in Adorably Accurate Handmade Costumes

Sasu-kat and Go-kat!
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Skilled Cat Dad Sews Homemade, Anime-Inspired Cosplay Costumes for His Photogenic Fur Babies

Skilled Cat Dad Sews Homemade, Anime-Inspired Cosplay Costumes for His Photogenic Fur Babies

Jujutsu Cat-sen
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Talented Potterhead Shares Draco Malfoy Cosplay in Magical Thread, Wizarding Community Reacts With Awe

Talented Potterhead Shares Draco Malfoy Cosplay in Magical Thread, Wizarding Community Reacts With Awe

Meet Draco Malfoy
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canine canines dog dogs cosplay cosplays costume cute fan adorable pup puppy pop-culture geek nerdy cuteness wholesome pets dog-cosplay

A Dazzling Array of Cosplay Canines Embracing Pup-Culture

They're putting their best paw forward
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27 pictures of great cosplay | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cosplay of jessica rabbit and  the snooty restaurant critic from Ratatouille

These People Are Taking Cosplay to the Next Level (September 24, 2023)

Cosplay is an art form. Sure, anyone can throw on a costume of their favorite character from pop culture, But some people take the whole thing to the next level . These people spend a lot of time and a lot of money to get their costumes just right. But it's not just about being as close to the original as possible. Sometimes it's all about the idea and execution. I mean, Pulling off a cosplay of mystique caught mid-change, or of the snooty restaurant critic from Ratatouille, is a stroke of geni…
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epic cosplay cosplays costume characters best of-the-week movies anime cartoons video-games games nerd nerdgasm gamers convention

Epic Cosplays of the Week That'll Give You a Nerdgasm

Where's the CON?
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Tiger Pony

costume sunset shimmer - 9002362368
Created by VisforYoshi ( Via White Dreams )

Good Heavens, What the Hell Is This?!

costume rarity - 8991527168
Created by OFC_operator ( Via Yajima [NSFW] )
the fault in our cutie marks costume 28 pranks later snails spike thorax applejack bat pony the great and powerful trixie gabby hearths-warming-eve a hearth's warming tail saffron masala gauntlet of fire equestria girls where the apple lies applejack-s-day-off discord top bolt princess cadence quibble pants animation Sweetie Belle flurry heart starlight glimmer twilight sparkle newbie dash apple bloom shining armor spice up your life the crystalling the saddle row review flutter brutter viva las pegasus pinkie pie pony point of view on your marks buckball season princess luna stranger than fan fiction zephyr breeze sky stinger Big Macintosh rarity every little thing she does chrysalis no second prances the times they are a changeling to where and back again daring do sunset shimmer maud pie dungeons and discords fluttershy princess ember the cart before the ponies changelings Scootaloo rainbow dash - 83707649

Season 6 Retrospective

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Un-BEAR-ably cute

costume sunset shimmer - 8989796864
Created by VisforYoshi ( Via Gaelle Dragons )


costume spike rarity ponify - 8989148160
Via Siansaar

Go On, Try Running

costume rainbow dash - 8988283904
Via Alasou


costume fluttershy - 8987462400
Via Alasou

Yar Har Fiddle Dee Dee

applejack costume pirates - 8987166976
Via Alasou
costume halloween fallout fallout 4 video games win - 1088773

Guy's Wife Makes Him Amazingly Detailed Fallout Costume, and We're Very Jealous

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This Dad Made His Son One Epic LEGO Halloween Costume

Via henriksen1
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