Geek Universe


Surrender Now Or Prepare To Fight!

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Created by YakuzaDuragon

Life's Too Short To Hold Onto Grudges

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Via diablito666

My, What a Handsome Tardis You Have

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Via captainimaginary

What's for Dessert?

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Via rolan666

My Favorite Date Spot On The Citadel

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Via nebulaluben

Who Moved My Cheese?

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It's Time to Update Your Captain America Cosplays for Age of Ultron

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Created by crystalgrey ( Via New American Jackets )

Beware of White Walkers

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Via mrsatiral

This is My Favorite Gun on the Citadel

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Via Nebulaluben


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Created by honor6136

This Magic the Gathering Cosplay Consists of Over 460 Cards!

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Via Beccadex

Lady Kung Lao

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Via zettai-cosplay

Disco Queen

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Via khainsaw

Today in Things You Didn't Know You Wanted: Sexy Shy Guy Cosplay

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Via Byndo Gehk

His Curse Will Become His Power

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Via absolutezero666

Captain America Fights To Keep Your House Cool

Via daily-superheroes