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A Hobbit's Helping of Lord of the Rings Memes to Scroll Over Second Breakfast (February 15, 2024)

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A Hobbit's Helping of Lord of the Rings Memes to Scroll Over Second Breakfast (February 8, 2024)

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A Hobbit's Helping of Lord of the Rings Memes to Scroll Over Second Breakfast (February 1, 2024)

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'During Helms Deep?? Oh dude, break up': Girl scrolls on her phone when watching LOTR for the first time, raising huge red flags for her Tolkeinite boyfriend

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A Hobbit's Helping of Lord of the Rings Memes to Scroll Over Second Breakfast (January 25, 2024)

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'Sauron once defeated Galadriel's brother in a singing battle': 20 Obscure LOTR lore nuggets that'll Tolkien you by surprise

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A Hobbit's Helping of Lord of the Rings Memes to Scroll Over Second Breakfast (January 17, 2024)

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A Hobbit's Helping of Lord of the Rings Memes to Scroll Over Second Breakfast

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