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Dungeons and Dragons Game Ends in Tears After One Player Faces Table Dispute With Ex Wife Who Filed For Divorce

Dungeons and Dragons Game Ends in Tears After One Player Faces Table Dispute With Ex Wife Who Filed For Divorce

Dungeons and Dragons table disputes are disheartening, but especially so when they actually involve real heartbreak.
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Young Dungeons and Dragons Player Kicked out of Campaign 1 Year Into the Game Due to Their Age, Internet Comes to Their Defense

Young Dungeons and Dragons Player Kicked out of Campaign 1 Year Into the Game Due to Their Age, Internet Comes to Their Defense

Sorry, you're not old enough to play with us anymore.
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A Critical Hit of 42 Dungeons and Dragons Memes for Adventurous Gamers Competing for Dungeon Master

A Critical Hit of 42 Dungeons and Dragons Memes for Adventurous Gamers Competing for Dungeon Master

Your heart thumps like a drum in your chest... You have encountered a fire breathing dragon who has held your friend captive. What do you do next?
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