Geek Universe


34 photos of 1970s fashion | thumbnail includes two pictures of 1970s fashion

1970s Fashion That Slapped So Hard We Want to Build a Time Machine and Go Shopping

Don't you find it strange that we don't have a distinct "look" these days? If we look back exactly 100 years to the Roaring 20s, fashion had a unique style; you could instantly identify people from the 1920s just by their clothes. if you look back at past decades - the 1940s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s—each of these decade had its own unmistakable fashion trend. But ever since the new millennium arrived, it feels like people just started dressing… "normal," whatever that means. Today's fashion…
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24 Heavy Metal magazine covers | thumbnail includes three pictures of Heavy Metal magazine covers

46 Iconic Heavy Metal Magazine Covers That Defined an Era in Pop Culture

If you love sci-fi, fantasy, and horror (and between us, who doesn't?) and you grew up in the 80s or 90s, you probably already know about Heavy Metal Magazine, one of the most influential comic magazines of all time. This magazine featured several very distinct stories in each issue - each story presenting a unique art style in a completely different genre . I used to collect these Issues and had an entire section in my comic book collection dedicated to this wonderful magazine. One of the grea…
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24 Drew Struzan movie posters | thumbnail includes three Drew Struzan movie posters

The Man Who Illustrated Our Entire Childhood: A Tribute to the Brilliant Drew Struzan

This listicle features some the most timeless and iconic movie posters in movie history, and they were all illustrated by one man - Drew Struzan. Now, I'll be honest with you, I never actually given any real thought as to who actually made all these movie posters, simply because I took them for granted. It made sense that awesome movies have awesome posters. I guess I just figured that the studios reach out to several different artists and end up picking the best one and that there was an agree…
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35 dangerous delivery photos | thumbnail includes two pictures of dangerous delivery

Hair-Raising Photos of People Transporting Goods in the Most Dangerous Ways

I love watching people driving down the highway with a mattress strapped to the roof of their car, doing 80, while hanging their hand outside the window, holding the mattress above their heads. Just think of how highly they think of themselves, believing that if a gust of wind unsurprisingly lifts up their mattress and yeets it to the other lane (and onto some poor, unsuspecting car), that they will be able to somehow catch it at the last second. Well, the people in these pictures aren't doing…
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32 funny signs | thumbnail includes two pictures of funny signs

32 Epic Sign Fails That You Have to See To Believe (July 30, 2024)

There are so many signs out there. Every moment you spend outside your house, you are bombarded with signs—advertisements, traffic signs, warnings, detours, notes, and even small stickers or graffiti. Signs are everywhere! In fact, we have so many signs that we tend to just block them out completely (which kind of defeats the whole purpose behind signs). In today's urban jungle , you have to stand out—like a bird with crazy colorful feathers or a monkey with a big red butt! One surefire way to…
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35 pictures of amazing creations | thumbnail includes two pictures of amazing creations

Some People Are So Creative and Talented It’s Actually Infuriating

Prepare to be amazed— and a little envious —with this listicle featuring 35 pictures of incredible creations from everyday people, this collection showcases the awe-inspiring skills and imaginative prowess of talented individuals. From elaborate sand castles that seem to defy gravity, to intricately designed cakes that look too good to eat, and from stunning handmade cosplays that bring fictional characters to life, to impressive DIY builds that transform ordinary spaces into extraordinary ones…
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31 pictures of clever designs | thumbnail includes two pictures of clever design ideas

31 Strange and Unique Products That You either Love or Hate, but You Can’t Ignore

If you give me an internet connection and a credit card - I WILL buy stupid stuff that I don't need and will never use. That is just a fact of life. The internet is filled with so many weird and unnecessary products, and for some reason I want all of them!. For some reason I love the idea of owning something that is so strange, so unexplainable , that when people see it they have to ask me about it, At which point I will look them straight in the eye and be like "What? you don't have a pair of…
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32 funny signs | thumbnail includes two pictures of funny signs

32 Epic Sign Fails That You Have to See To Believe (July 26, 2024)

There are so many signs out there. Every moment you spend outside your house, you are bombarded with signs—advertisements, traffic signs, warnings, detours, notes, and even small stickers or graffiti. Signs are everywhere! In fact, we have so many signs that we tend to just block them out completely (which kind of defeats the whole purpose behind signs). In today's urban jungle , you have to stand out—like a bird with crazy colorful feathers or a monkey with a big red butt! One surefire way to…
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33 creative tattoos | thumbnail includes two pictures of creative tattoos

32 Wonderfully Creative Tattoos That Are as Beautiful as They Are Original

I'll be honest with you - I don't have a single tattoo on my body. It's not that I have anything against inking; I actually love tattoos and find them interesting, creative, and beautiful. The reason I don't have one (or two or thirteen) is because I am scared. Not scared of the pain or of being disappointed with the final result (although I am not thrilled about those aspects either). No, what I am scared of is outgrowing my tattoos. The fact is that I am not the same person I was thirty years…
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33 pictures of knockoff brands | thumbnail includes two pictures of knockoff brands

33 Knockoff Products That Fell off the Back of a Truck (July 21, 2024)

Welcome to the wild world of wonky trademarks , where the 'Just Do It' spirit gets a little lost in translation and designer logos take a detour into the absurd. Picture this: you're strolling down the market aisles when you spot something familiar yet unmistakably odd. It's a pair of 'Abibas' sneakers, complete with the iconic three stripes, but just a bit... off. Or maybe it's the 'Specialman' action figure, fighting for justice and the best bargain bin deal. These brand doppelgängers are the…
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33 photos that make you do a double take | thumbnail includes two pictures that make you do a double take

Blink Twice: 33 Photos That Demand a Double-Take (July 19, 2024)

A delightful dose of double-take
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33 Medieval memes | thumbnail includes two pictures of Medieval memes

33 Classical Art Memes That Are Timelessly Funny (July 18, 2024)

Hark, noble scroller of the digital scrolls ! As thou dost thumb through the vast interwebs, prithee, take a moment to rest thine eyes upon this humble collection. In days of yore, ere smartphones and Wi-Fi signals did conquer the land, jesters and minstrels spun tales and sang songs to entertain the masses. But now, we hath memes – glorious illustrations paired with witticisms that would surely have even the most stoic of knights holding their sides in laughter . Ah, but fear not, for these ar…
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31 examples of bad photoshop | thumbnail includes two examples of bad photoshop

31 Hilarious Photoshop Fails That Couldn't Hide the Truth (July 16, 2024)

It's funny hearing people complain about how AI-generated images are going to destroy society , especially after hearing the exact same things when Photoshop first came out. If you are too young to remember or weren't there at the time, people were furious about Photoshop and many demanded it be banned. Some countries even passed laws restricting the use of Photoshop in various cases. But the years went on, Photoshop did not destroy humanity, and today it is one of the main tools for graphic de…
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35 pictures of job fails | thumbnail includes two pictures of job fails

Winners of the “Not My Job” Prize for Doing the Bare Minimum Required

Some of these are just... No words
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30 examples of Paredolia | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cake with a face and a pickle with a face

Faces in Places: 33 Startling Instances of Pareidolia (Buildings, Sinks and Boxes Edition)

Whatch'a looking at?
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32 funny signs | thumbnail includes two pictures of funny signs

32 Epic Sign Fails That You Have to See To Believe (July 8, 2024)

There are so many signs out there. Every moment you spend outside your house, you are bombarded with signs—advertisements, traffic signs, warnings, detours, notes, and even small stickers or graffiti. Signs are everywhere! In fact, we have so many signs that we tend to just block them out completely (which kind of defeats the whole purpose behind signs). In today’s urban jungle, you have to stand out—like a bird with crazy colorful feathers or a monkey with a big red butt! One surefire way to g…
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