Geek Universe


Ok But When Will He Name One After His OTP Ship Name?

Via mysharona1987

Nature is Cruel

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Book Travels

Via doublewbrothers

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Forever a Pone

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The Kind You Don't Find in Libraries

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Book Horses

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Via derpindaily

Wait... What?

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U is my Friend

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It Was a One Time Thing...

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Created by maorows ( Via derpibooru )
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Sometimes, It's OK to Spoil Game of Thrones

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J.K. Rowling Probably Confirms American Wizard School on the Place You'd Most Suspect

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The Dark Knight Reads

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GRRM Has Released a New Preview of Winds of Winter Featuring Alayne

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Wondering What Happens Between The Old Star Wars Movies and the New? There's a Book for That!

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That Pony Sure Does Love Books

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Created by maorows ( Via P_BaekGu )