
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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Spider-Man Invades DRAGON CON Parade & Interviews For the Daily Bugle

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This Video Will Explain Everything You Need to Know About Thanos and the Infinity Stones in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

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If You Have Trouble Picturing What Black Friday is Like, Know That South Park is Barely Exaggerating in Their Portrayal

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Attack of the Clones Would Have Been Much Better If It Ended Like This

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Will It Blend Makes Sure Jar Jar Binks Got the End He Deserved

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Super Heroes and Villains Unite to Travel Through Time to Stop an Evil Overlord in DC's Legends of Tomorrow Trailer

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Stop Everything and Watch This Wonderful Trailer for "The Little Prince"

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Guardians of the Galaxy Far, Far Away

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David Tennant Explains the Theory of Relativity

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This Attack on Titan Bad A Capella Fuels Me

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Tormund Giantsbane Riding a Motorized Unicycle Down an Icy Street, 'Nuff Said

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Watch a Blacksmith Forge Real Life Versions of Drax's Daggers From Guardians of the Galaxy

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Dual-Types Almost Didn't Exist

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Wedding Photos Don't Get Much Cooler Than This Shopped Hoth Scene