
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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Death Battle: Charizard vs Greymon

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Who Will Win When Deadpool Squares Off Against Boba Fett in an Epic Rap Battle?

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This Guy Fell Asleep in the Middle of a Livestreamed D&D Game

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The Force Awakens' Poe Dameron, Oscar Isaac, Gorgeously Covers the Star Wars Theme on Guitar

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DC Superhero Girls Show the Dangers of a Cape

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The Original Star Wars Trilogy Gets an Epically Bad Lip Reading

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Listen to This Lovely A Capella Star Wars Medley While You're Waiting in Line Tonight

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This British Weather Reporter Packs 12 Star Wars Puns in 40 Seconds

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The Star Wars Recap Song

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12 Days of Deadpool Day Three and Four Include a Home Alone Style Action Plan and a Letter to Santa

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Watch This Epic Star Wars Parkour Battle

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Ariana Grande, Boun T. Hunter, Settles the Han Shot First Debate in Seconds

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What SHINY pokemon SHOULD look like Ep 2

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This Guy's Grinch Act is Absolutely Ace

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We've Just About Reached Star Wars Teaser Overload, But This Behind the Scenes Look at Stunts is Pretty Amazing

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The Cast of The Force Awakens Performs an Impressive A Cappella Star Wars Medley