Geek Universe


The Daily Show: My Little Kony

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Created by Diana Sparkle ( Via The Daily Show )

There's Derpy!

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Created by Cubonator

In Case of Ball Emergency, Break Glass

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Created by TheAndySan

Singin' Ey-Yo

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Created by McFlabbergasted

It's Only a Demon That Eats People

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Created by David_the_Bored

Familiar Faces

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Created by toddish

Where Have I Seen That Before?

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Created by MadameLeFlour

I Pity the Foal Who Doubts Iron Will

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Created by DUCDLOLZ

Season Two Finale Leaked!

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Created by MRHANKY2000

Is There a Doctor in the House?

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Created by sandman-ivan

With Great Power Comes Great Stupidity

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Created by _AfterDarkness_

Who Lives In a Pineapple Under Las Vegas?

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Bon-Bon's Voice Acting

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Created by Punkheadphones

Ball Emergency

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Created by icanhazmetallica

Rider Henshin!

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Via Moko

It's Probably Too Late

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Created by Cubonator