
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

A collection of times that egotistical people got put in their place | letsgingerale my electricity got shut off and couldn't submit claim on their website because had no power

People's Best "No Power Here" Moments

Woman takes over a manager position, is incompetent, power trips, and gets fired | r/ProRevenge Join u/CocktailsPerfected 2y all had bad bosses before, right? Not sure if this is pro revenge, or petty revenge, but figure post here. This does't paint great light, but 18/19 at time, and dick. About 8 or 9 years ago worked retail small outdoor goods store (6 members staff small Ski stuff winter, Camping/hiking summer wasn't passionate about but job's job woman who hired left pretty soon after start

Woman Takes Over Manager Position, Fails At Job, Power Trips, Gets Fired

Dank Drop, trending dank memes, funny memes, among us, leonardo dicaprio, relatable memes | Humans person is 1 year closer death: white people dancing enthusiastically | Teacher:Why are laughing No reason My Brain: R.PEANUT BREAKING 3 MIN Local Police Bust Nut Mr. Peanut getting arrested

The Dank Drop: 25 Of Our Favorite Dank Memes Of The Week (9-19 To 9-25)

People describe common skills that they quite simply don't possess | Reddit thread Wrapping presents watch videos every time but still can't do

Common Skills People Simply Don't Possess

A new dad ends up leaving the delivery room because his fiancée shouts her ex's name | AITA walking out delivery room while my fianc giving birth? Not hole This happened two weeks ago, my 28M fiance 26F and just had baby boy and 's been difficult already without her being upset with after happened met her at bar used hang out with my friends at dated 8 months, and decided propose she told she pregnant and wanted have baby both agreed on getting married after our baby is born, She introduced my

Dad Leaves Delivery Room Cause Fiancée Shouts Ex's Name

Funny Sure Grandma Let's get you to bed memes, music memes, netflix memes, pandemic, stupid memes, dank memes | used go see bands play live music | just going my ex girlfriends house closure @gay_girl_inc

'Sure Grandma, Let's Get You To Bed' Memes Mock Doubtful Truths

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'Surprised Scarlett Johansson' Memes Are Popping Up All Over Reddit

A collection of clever comebacks from spicy silvertongues | Mikey why are so sad? There's so much goodness world don't know Ava why do have asthma there's so much air world

Radical Retorts From Clever Wordsmiths

shower thoughts that make more sense than they should

This Week's Fresh And Steamy Showers Thoughts To Contemplate (Top 17)

reddit showerthoughts that are worth pondering | r/Showerthoughts Posted by u/wolfencastle 5 days ago S In the movie Birdbox, seeing as animals aren't affected, guide dogs would be the most valuable animal companion to have over a bird

26 New Shower-Thoughts From This Past Week For You To Consume And Digest

fallout discussion video games Reddit video game logic bioshock Skyrim - 1142789

Gamers Discuss Those Tiny Details of Video Games That Blew Their Minds

redditor lies to his gf about game of thrones

Redditor Lies to His Girlfriend About Game of Thrones; Immediately Regrets That Decision

Daenerys might as well have been on The Office...

Dunder Mifflin, This Is Daenerys...

Pokémon life fight Reddit ronda rousey - 599301

AMA of the Day: The Grappling, Geekery and Greatness of Ronda Rousey's Reddit Responses

Ask Stephen Hawking your questions on artificial intelligence.

Skynet of the Day: Stephen Hawking Wants Your Artificial Intelligence Questions for His Upcoming AMA

Game of Thrones Westeros season 5 Reddit - 485381

Check Out This Incredible Map of Westeros, Then Buy It