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Deadpool Just Launched an Oscar Campaign in the Best, Most Deadpool Way Possible

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Star Wars Meets Batman v Superman In This Badass Mashup

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Tom Holland Melts Hearts Everywhere After Visiting NY Hospital Dressed Up as Spider-Man


This is the Kid Flash That We Need and Deserve Right Now

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Legendary Silver Surfer Costume Just Easily Won Halloween This Year

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Watch Ben Affleck Assemble The Batman League in This Epic All Batmen Mashup

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Dad Makes Epic Wonder Woman Costume for His Daughter and Recreates Movie Scenes

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Guy Forgoes Probable Nudes for Spider-Man Memes in Glorious Display of Dedication

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People Brought Their A Game for New York City Comic Con Over the Weekend

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20 Cosplay Getup's That Had Us Beside Ourselves With Joy and Appreciation


Los Angeles Declares October 28th to be Stan Lee Day

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This Dude Made a Deathstroke Helmet Strong Enough to Take an Axe Hit

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Not Sure, But This Might Just Be The Superhero Fanboy War That We Deserve


Tom Holland Visits Children's Hospital Dressed up as Spider-Man

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Mark Hamill Recorded a Voicemail as the Joker, and It's as Twisted as We Could've Hoped For

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Henry Cavill Went Disguised to Comic-Con and Pranked the Living Hell out of Suicide Squad's Will Smith

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