

The Batman Who Investigates Crime and The District Attorneys Who Prosecutes The Offenders

batman gotham city mashup - 7979290368

Good Grief, Batman

batman peanuts mashup robin - 7962377984
mashup animation sailor moon iron man - 57000193

Iron Moon

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Breaking Batman

breaking bad mashup robin batman - 7942260736
Created by stupidwizard ( Via Jeff Matsuda )

A Game of Watchmen

mashup art Game of Thrones - 7942262528
Created by stupidwizard ( Via Paul Hostetler )

Best Addition Ever

mashup captain hammer avengers - 7899557888

That Family Is a Real Circus

cyclops jean grey mashup x men - 7894418944

Here's Joker

mashup joker batman the shining - 7889138432
Via m7781

The Walking Deadpool

Fan Art mashup The Walking Dead - 7883835904

Kamen Rider Cats

mashup Cats kamen rider - 7803768832
Created by Sosuke

Ghost Assassin Sort of Looks Like a Burning Moon Knight

mashup moon knight art assassins creed - 6920210688
avengers mashup Video - 41319425

The Only Acceptable Use of Ke$ha

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Iron Bat

Awesome Art batman best of week ironman mashup - 5850035712
Created by SmashedJuicebox

The Watchnuts...or Peamen...Either Way

Awesome Art mashup peanuts watchmen - 4894661632
Created by -Ghost-
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