
A History of the Batmobile

superheroes batman A History of the Batmobile
Via comicblast
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Audio From the Batman Vs Superman Trailer Goes Well With Star Wars VII Footage in This Fan Made Trailer

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This Marching Band Put on a Great Marvel Themed Halftime Show

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Every Deadpool at the New York Comic Con Got Together for This Flash Mob

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The Many Faces of Superman

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Via dynamiccomics

He'll Never Wash That Hand Again

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This Circa 1949 Batman V Superman Movie is Really an Amazing Remix of Superhero Films From That Time Period

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Sit Across the Table From Superheroes and Villains and Marvel at What They're Having for Dinner

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... Sure Kid

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Via daily-superheroes

These Cat Super Villains Are Adorable, But Don't Underestimate Them

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Via WafflesCat

A Tale as Old As Time

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Peter Parker, Friend to Pigeons

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Via textsfromsuperheroes

A Lazy But Genius Costume Option

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Shawarma is Pretty Good Though

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Best Costume Evor

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Someone Call Batman

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Via thingstolovefor