
web comics

If the internet was a newspaper, Web Comics would be the funnies pages that people go for when it first shows up at their doorstep early in the morning.

Get Busy!

Pokémon shinies charmander web comics breeding - 7979189760
Created by psychospacecow ( Via The Gamer Cat )

Trainer Basics

Pokémon video games web comics - 7885332736
Created by jakubiszyn ( Via The Gamer Cat )

Detective Pikachu is on the Case

pokemon memes detective pikachu web comic
Via patbird.galesaur

Bad Idea, Mega Slowbro Should Never Take Off its Shell

Pokémon slowbro mega slowbro web comics - 8296080128
Via Nerd Rage Comic

How Did Humans Survive in the Pokémon Universe

pokemon memes humans hunting pokemon comic
Via Rodolphes Revenge

Well, That Was Literal

Pokémon machop porygon web comics - 8138852608
Created by Bv ( Via thebelligerentviceroy )

Linoone, Use Rock Smash

Pokémon rock smash linoone web comics - 8436583936
Via randowis

The Tension!!!

Pokémon brawl in the family slugma web comics - 7857946112
Created by Mistermascara ( Via Brawl in the Family )

Ash Should Have Used His Pokédex First

minecraft Pokémon web comics - 8340675584
Created by LeVeya ( Via twistedspeedo )

Kalos Shenanigans: Wild Encounter

Pokémon kalos web comics - 7884078336
Created by Velink ( Via Velink )

Crisis of Conscience

Pokémon web comics - 8323415808
Via Jeremy Kaye

Meowth Lashing out at Litten with Some Serious Fury Swipes

Via thenintendodistrict

An Old and Weathered, and Ever Determined Ash Will Catch 'Em All!

Via hotcomicsforcoolpeople


pokemon memes reunited with latias
Via ponpekopon

NOPE! Go Breed a New One

Babies Pokémon web comics - 7973242368
Created by Fraude ( Via Pokémon Master Tyrell )

In Light of Pokémon GO, the Relevancy for This Just Shot Through the Roof

Via ThatsMyHoverboard