
video games

Windows Phone Users Be Like

Via NeilKim

Typical Friday Night

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Via purplekecleon.deviantart.com

Early Spriting

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Mewtwo Coming to Black and White

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pikacuh small adaptable rodent like pokemon notable for their electrical abilities pikachu are covered in bright yellow fur with brown accents on the tips of their antennae their tail is used for balance when standing upright and can signal the creature's mood they are omnivorous but with small mouths blunted teeth and clumsy paws pikachu can only eat meat opportunistically

The PokéNatomy Art Series Provides a Fascinating Look at How Some of Our Favorite Pokémon Function Internally

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Iran Becomes First Country to Completely Ban Pokémon GO Due to Security Concerns

Via BBC News

Pokémon Sun and Moon Be Like, You Can't Make an Omelette without Breaking a Few Eggs

Via hellfyreak

Gives "Play with Your Pokemon" a Whole New Meaning

Via closetklepto

We Are Older Now, It Should Be Easier

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A Wild Red Appeared

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Homer Simpson Shows Exactly How Parenting and Pokémon GO! are at Odds

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pokemon sun and moon

20 Hilarious Reactions to Pokémon Sun and Moon's Ridiculous Pokedex Demo Leak

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What do you see Poliwag?

Via myourenjinja

EV Train All My Pokemon

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