
video games

Pokémon Version X

video games - 6967099392
Created by Unknown
pikacuh small adaptable rodent like pokemon notable for their electrical abilities pikachu are covered in bright yellow fur with brown accents on the tips of their antennae their tail is used for balance when standing upright and can signal the creature's mood they are omnivorous but with small mouths blunted teeth and clumsy paws pikachu can only eat meat opportunistically

The PokéNatomy Art Series Provides a Fascinating Look at How Some of Our Favorite Pokémon Function Internally

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Well, It Looks Like We Missed a Massive Mystery Monster Moment in the Pokemon Sun and Moon Trailer

Via The Official Pokémon Channel

Pokemon Vs. Zombies

awesome best of week crossover video games - 5479074816
Created by mindbreaker
Pokémon video games Video Game Coverage pokemon sun and moon - 936709

We're Loving the Fan Art Inspired by the Adorable, Little New Dragon Type Pokémon, Jangmo-o

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Pokémon Sun and Moon's Thick Villain, Wicke, Got Modded Into Super Smash Bros

Via Kotaku

This Realistic Drawing of Blastoise Is EPIC

Via moizilla

Before Pokémon GO Showed up This Dude Seemed Like the Biggest Idiot in the Game

Via TheGreatChuck

These Two Canadians Set the Authorities Ablaze When They Crossed the Border Into the U.S. Playing Pokémon GO

Via sbs

Digifriday: WaruSeadramon DigiDelivers

digifriday video games - 6878383360
Via drimogemon
Pokémon Video Game Coverage pokemon sun and moon video games nintendo - 81809153

The Classic Pokémon Can Transform Into Something New Altogether in Pokémon Sun and Moon!

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Pokémon GO Players Discover Another Dead Body

Via 7 News

We're Headed Nowhere Fast with All This Pokémon GO Madness

Via warry0r

This Pokémon GO Player's Dedication to Catching 'Em All Would Make Professor Oak Sh*t His Pants

Via ftb_hodor

Yes, Soon Enough Here Pokémon GO! Will Introduce the Master Ball

Via PSIFlash
twitch plays pokemon video games - 58650113

People Playing Twitch Plays Pokémon Are Also Unknowingly Playing Tetris

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