

Tumblr: a magical website with the bizarre, the hilarious and the unexpected. Think you've seen it all? Think again. The best one-liners, random threads and weird thoughts are yet to be discovered. 

Pokémon Splish and Pokémon Splash

Pokémon magikarp tumblr box art - 8407803392
Via treecko007

Don't You Know Pikachu Doesn't Like to Be Captured?

Pokémon tumblr pikachu amiibo - 8224698624
Via ivorykingchrono

The Place Where Mega Swampert Works Out

gym tumblr mega swampert - 8258171904
Created by YakuzaDuragon

People on Tumblr Be Like

ash Pokémon tumblr - 8237523968
Created by Houndoom-Kaboom

Disregard Education, Acquire Pokémon

ash Pokémon tumblr anime - 7885710080

I Don't Know Why... But I Feel Offended and Oppressed

Pokémon tumblr - 8431707136
Via Maximillian Rossi

Tabitha is the Hottest Babe

Pokémon what tumblr - 8407360512
Created by KittiCat9000 ( Via Pokememes )


Pokémon tumblr cute - 7845951232
Created by Kuda357 ( Via deathrightsactivist )

I Knew It, Pikachu is Evil!

charizard tumblr pikachu - 8235706624
Created by YakuzaDuragon

Pokémon Size in a Nutshell

Pokémon tumblr - 8220005888
Created by YakuzaDuragon

I Heard U Liek Memes

mudkip Pokémon tumblr Memes - 8186768384
Created by YakuzaDuragon

Sapphire Will Kill Ruby

Pokémon tumblr - 8440551680
Created by Sosuke

And Nothing Beats a Sandwich

4kids brock tumblr logos - 8217613568
Created by YakuzaDuragon

How's Your Childhood Now?

tumblr electabuzz - 7348158208
Created by J-T-E

The Original N

Team Rocket tumblr anime N - 7737486848
Created by Megamean09

This All Shiny Horde Battle is Ridiculous

tumblr shinies - 7975796224
Created by MegaManLight
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