

It's Not a Healthy Friendship

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See all captions Created by AliNoir

Can't Beat the Classics

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Via shieldcharm

Now You Can Have Your Own Squirtle Fan Club!

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Via rewatchingpokemon

You're Just Too Hot!

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Via marielalessandra

Togepi is Hard to Cheer Up

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Via codr

Scumbag Gary

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Kanye Says: 'Know Your Types'

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Squirtle Eats His Troubles Away

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Via willfosho

Water Starters: So Cool

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Ash Ketchum: Pokémon Master

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Created by Donnelly

Wow... They Look Amazing...

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Dance, You Adorable Little Squirtle, Dance!

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Classic: Bulbasaur Is Finally On Top

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Super Pokemon Bros.

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Gimme Your Lunch Money

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Via google

I'm So Sorry

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Via Mariel Alessandra