

Brock Is a....Pokémon?

Via pokemon.memess

Snorlax Makes an Excellent Pillow

Pokémon snorlax - 8028791552
Via Toy Logic

Pikachu Used Bounce!

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Via Pokemon Anime

Trainer Used Wake Up Slap

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How to Make a Pokémon Bookmark in Five Easy Steps

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Via steenacakez

Snorlax Tattoo Win!

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Occupy Kanto

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Sleeping Like a BAWS

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Gary is So Much Cooler Than Ash

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Created by totod

Really Though, Why Even Bother?

Via ticktockligament

Snorlax and Totoro are a Match Made in Heaven

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Via Najmah Salam

Brock Used Hyper Beam, It Was Super Effective

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Created by Unknown

Snorlax is on a Diet

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Via liam83nintendo

Where's That Friggin Pokéflute?

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It's Funny Because it's True

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Via billsfan417

Dat Apple

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Via rewatchingpokemon