

Sometimes You Have to Think Outside the Dex

Pokémon professor oak - 8570935808
Created by TheSwampert

Nice Jigglypuffs

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Created by tamaleknight

Who's that Pokemon?

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Via deadpoolsheik

My Wallet is Crying Right Now

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Created by LJPhil ( Via toxicbutterflyfarts )

He's Gonna Catch You!

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An Unnecessarily Addictive New Feature

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Created by ThunderThylacine

*cold sweat*

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Created by pitpatpoot

Guy's House Gets Turned into a Pokémon GO Gym and His Live Tweet Coverage of the 24/7 Creepiness He Puts up with Will Make Your Day

Via Boon Sheridan

Snorlax Throughout the Years

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Created by Kidou ( Via trumpeteroftheswan )

Do Electric Sheep Dream of Androids?

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Via Scoozie

SOON... ish?

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Created by Houndoom-Kaboom

You Had ONE Job

Via _

I Want to Be The Very Best

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Hawlucha Libre

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Via Pokemon Anime

Do You Enjoy Pain?

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Created by Kanrabat ( Via null )

Well, if Skitty and Wailord Can Do It...

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Via VanQuackers