

Catching Pokémon Seems Really Hard

Pokémon pikachu Pokeballs - 8003884544
Via killerapt

Say What Now?

Via uporygon


pokemon memes pikachu gifs
Via dragonitedelight
pikacuh small adaptable rodent like pokemon notable for their electrical abilities pikachu are covered in bright yellow fur with brown accents on the tips of their antennae their tail is used for balance when standing upright and can signal the creature's mood they are omnivorous but with small mouths blunted teeth and clumsy paws pikachu can only eat meat opportunistically

The PokéNatomy Art Series Provides a Fascinating Look at How Some of Our Favorite Pokémon Function Internally

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Sleep Was Always Overrated Anyways, Amirite?

Via Pokémon Memes

Pikachu Doesn't Have a Chance

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Via TheRobotGirlConundrum

Who's That Pokémon?

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Brock's Words of Wisdom

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Created by danlo1213

Best Pals Right Here

Via mollypouts.tumblr.com

Pikachu is Cute!

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Via kacnea

Get Lost, She Wants a Real Man

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Pikachu's Trippin

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Via hydropis

This Was The Cake For My 26th Birthday

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Created by BlackHeartedDinosaur

Pikabro With That Gnarly Air Time

Via 90s90s90s

It Hurt Itself in its Confusion

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Via michaelswayornoway

Mother of Pikachu

anime pikachu pokeball Psyduck tv-movies - 6445550080
Created by AuTaylor