

They Bonded Over Their Dead Parents

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Via alpacapala

Why You Do Dis to Me? :(

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Via youshantpass


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Via signsoflifeonmars

Make Sense?

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Pokémon: X-Files

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Created by aec1992
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The Cubone/Missingno Theory

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They Both Mourn Kangaskhan

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Two Fantastic Pokémon Ruined Forever

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Via lexxercise

I Need to Marowak One Out

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Via Inked

You've Gone Too Far Team Rocket!

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Created by Rabiea

Don't Answer It

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Created by mattferrell98

I Call Hacks!

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Created by Houndoom-Kaboom

Mother and Daughter

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Created by Derp-a-derp ( Via dav-19 )

The Alolan Marowak is about to be awesome!

Via pikachewy

The Pokémon Kanto Deserves

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Created by J-T-E ( Via PokemonCard Wallets )

Dem Feels....

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Created by Kodiak
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