

The Family That Battles Together Stays Together

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Via fyeahfirstgenpokemon.tumblr.com

This is the Cutest Squirtle Around

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Via xxdeviant-rainbowxx


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Completely Accurate

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Via Ninjinius

Forever a Fisherman

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Spiderman Use String Shot!

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Me, Every Time I Have to be Around Kids

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Stop Teasing

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So What Have We Learned Today, Kids?

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Created by Oskar

Kids Don't Care

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Created by RasterHatz

Every Kid Should Know About Pokémon

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Via pokemon4u

Why Trainers Don't Let Kids Play Pokémon

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Created by FlyingScyther91

Kids Have It Easy Nowadays

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Created by Jupenator

Pokémon is For Kids?

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Never Forget

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Created by .vK

The Next Generation

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See all captions Created by JovenMistress
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