

Forever First Generation

best of week evolving genwunners Memes nostalgia red and blue - 5706598656
Created by Tigas2408

What Happens When You Pick Up Pokémon Again for the First Time as an Adult

pokemon memes playing pokemon expectations vs reality
Via Dorkly

When Kids Talk About Pokémon

bane meme genwunners - 6662976768

Genwunner Logic

Pokémon genwunners the simpsons - 8037963008
Created by macandcheez1 ( Via ScytherHugs )

Deal With It

gen VI genwunners fairy type pokemon x/y - 7561104640
Created by DineshThePoet

The First Mistake

god genwunners - 6699642368
Created by Unknown

Deal With It, Genwunners

gen VI gifs genwunners nostalgia mewtwo - 7283695104
Created by LJPhil

Play Pokémon, Have Fun, and Enjoy the Experience

gen VI Pokémon genwunners funny - 7494886144

A Response to the Genwunners

best of week comic first gen genwunners objection Rage Comics - 5961743872

What Say You?

genwunners judge real - 6687445760

Generation Reversal

generation genluvvers genwunners role reversal the internets - 6250324480

You Kids Even Get Color!

pokemon memes back in my day
Via pokemonmerchandise

Genwunners Try to Ruin Our Moments

genwunners gtfo rage comic Rage Comics ruined - 6103251968

True Pokémon Fans

best of week fans genwunners the internets - 6005183488

The Truth About Pokémon

genluvvers genwunners Memes Pokémon - 6525534720
Created by Dean

You Can't Deny It! The New Pokémon Look Awesome!

gen VI Pokémon genwunners SpongeBob SquarePants - 7698992896
Created by DopplerEffect
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