

You're the Only One I Need

art cute gameboy nostalgia old school pikachu Valentines day - 5833927424

Pokémon Can't Unlearn HMs in 1st Gen...

catch family guy gameboy hms meme mew rage comic Rage Comics Reframe - 5229563136
Created by simandl

Kyurem's Real Use

link cable kyurem gameboy - 6745350912
Via askiopop

First World Anarchists Be Like

Via syrupdash

Resurrect Your Childhood

pokemon memes
Via Bennett Slater

The Cutest Starter

art gameboy jigglypuff - 5883843072

Style Points for Pokémon

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Immature Minds Think Alike

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Pikachu's Journey Through the Generations

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Via cosmicmaelstrom.tumblr.com

Pikachu Was My Real Father

childhood gameboy Memes parents pikachu Pokémon - 5798859008
Created by Matt_teh_Kat

Pull Out Your Itemfinder

blue first gen gameboy gameplay old school red - 5564358400

Every Battle is a Race Against Time

Memes gameboy - 7266436352
Via AndrewXP

Look At Them!

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Via smosh.com

My Entire Childhood

classic gameboy gifs IRL nostalgia Pokémon - 6552302336

Gameboy Rotom

pokemon memes rotom gameboy fan art
Via rorycallumbrown

What a Waste

starters gameboy - 6815881728
Created by cman_1146
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