

Your Evolutions Take Too Damn Long!

evolution Evolve hydreigon meme volcarona Y U No Guy - 6044095744
Created by Zarvanis

Talonflame is the Final Evolution of Fletchling

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Created by Furral

I Would Not Want to Battle Them

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Via Pixiv

Marvel's Teaming Up With Pokémon

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Created by dpoleninja

Magikarp Doesn't Have to Wait Long to Evolve

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Via itsbirdy

Darwin Caught 'Em All

evolution theory - 5027693568
Via thisiswhyyoureold.com

Evolve Me Maybe

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Via Byronb

Evolution in 8-bit

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Via fypokemon.tumblr.com

Evolution of the Kanto Gym Leaders

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We Are All Gonna Die

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Created by jasa12 ( Via Facebook )

It Gets Better

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If Pokémon Evolution Was Realistic

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Via Dorkly

Games Always Be Evolving

art awesome evolution Pokémon Videogames - 5223032576
Via GottaCatchEmAll

How to Evolve Into Trevenant

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Via lovelyforeverbecause

Darwin Is So Confused

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Created by trollfacegod

Right in the Science

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Created by Unknown