

Digifriday: Digimon World Was So Digiclever

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DigiFriday: Kimeramon in a Nutshell

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Created by Galletoconk
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Special DigiMonday: The Pokémon Series is Taking a New Course

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You Got Your Digimon in My Pokémon

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Via Buddh0

DigiFriday: Armor Digivolve To...

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Created by Lucario17
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Pokémon VS Digimon (Parody)

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Mom! You Ruined My Afternoon!

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Digifriday is a Travesty

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Digifriday: The Crests of the DigiDestined

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Via mathewwithonet

Classic Digifriday: What's Your Diginame?

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Via thegreenjellyfishie

Digifriday: Seems Legit

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Created by Unknown

This Is Getting Reuniclus

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Created by MetaFruit

Digifriday: Confessions

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Created by Unknown

Power Rangers Digimonday?: Go, Go, Digi-Rangers!

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Created by Duckster18 ( Via fancyduckdesigns )

Fair Point on One of Pokémon Sun and Moon's Newest Pokémon

Via @jiikae
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Digifriday: Care to Hate?

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